Report of the event "Launch of Firebird 5", June 17, 2023

The event "Launch of Firebird 5" took place 2023 June 17 - Palhoça/SC, organized by MeuQueridoFirebirdSQL and IBSurgeon, with the following topics

  1. The most common fears of the migration which can be resolved literally in 1 day.
  2. How to choose the best migration strategy for your company (when migrate, to what version, how to estimate pros and contras. Why Firebird 5 is the best point to start migration from old versions).
  3. The most common issues which occur during the migration (since version 2.1)
  4. Best strategies for the migration in hard cases: very big databases and hundreds of installations
  5. Practical demonstration of sample migration scripts.
  6. Questions&Answers sessions