IBSurgeon ISV Subscription

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IBSurgeon ISV Subscription is an ultimate choice for a serious company that requires a full set of advanced Firebird tools for recovery and optimization.
ISV subscription significantly decreases maintenance and support costs of multiple Firebird installations. 

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ISV Subscription is designed for ISVs - independent software vendors (i.e, for companies that produce Firebird- and InterBase-based business software (like ERP, CRM, billing, etc) and for large enterprises with many server installations (like retail networks, banks, etc). 



IBSurgeon ISV Subscription includes licenses for HQbird Professional and FirstAID for the period of subscription and 2 training sessions.

What licenses are included in ISV Subscription?

Product Licenses included in ISV subscription Price
IBSurgeon FirstAID Unlimited usage during the subscription period for business software n/a
n/aHQbird Professional Unlimited usage during the subscription period for business software
Also includes 2 free training sessions, 2 hours each, to train your stuff how to install and configure HQbird and other products.


Monitoring and protection is performed by HQbird (FBDataGuard and IBTM). FBDataGuard watches for a database health, sends alerts by emails and keeps a copy of raw metadata in own repository for possible emergency recovery. IBSurgeon provides support for FBDataGuard and IBTM installation and configuration.
Optimization incident requires detailed hardware and OS information and the full set of logs (from IBSurgeon Transaction Monitor, FBScanner and gstat, FB/IBDataGuard logs are optional). Optimization support usually requires remote desktop access to the computer with slow database. IBSurgeon provides support for optimization tools installation, configuration and logs analysis.